Anti Drone Systems
Unmanned Arial Vehicle or Drones are, as name suggests, unmanned airplane. They can be operated using remote control from operator or they can be programmed to fly automatically, by on-board computers.
Development of UAVs or Drone was started in early 1900s. They were used as target practice. Later, drones were used by military for reconnaissance. Drones were used mainly for military purpose until few years back. Introduction of economical and less complex drones opens new field of operation such as agriculture, photography, crowd management. Many commercial companies, such as Amazon, DHL, have started using them. In last few years, sales of Drones has increased exponentially. This is mainly because companies started producing cheap, easy to operate drones.
There are many benefits of drones but it also has some downsides. There are many accidents where flying drones has caused trouble. Drones are used to invade somebody's privacy, its blades can cause injuries. There were more serious cases of security breaches, white house incident and Japanese prime minister's incident. In April 2016, British Airways plane was struck by drone. Such incidents have given birth to "Anti - Drone" industry.
So, here are few anti-drone technologies. I will not go to details but give you general idea about it.
Anti Drone Bazooka:
As name suggests, its a bazooka which shoots net instead of rocket. When you see drone and you want to take it down, you simply aim at it. Software will lock the target and takes drone down. One can use parachute with the net so there will be no damage to drone.
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Skywall 100 Anti drone weapon |
SkyWall 100 Anti-Drone Gun is main example of it. It has range of around 330 feet.
Anti-Drone Drones:
Anti-Drone drones are drones which are used to take down drone. These drones also shoots net to capture drones. These drones are operated by an operator using controllers. Work on fully automated drones is going on.
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Net Gun Drone - Excipio |
These drones shoots net at the drone to capture it and flows to secure location with captured drone attached to it. If this is not possible then it drops the net and parachute attached to net will slowly bring captured drone down.
Laser/Jamming Systems:
These systems use most sophisticated technologies to disable to capture drone. Using jamming system, one can jam/block operational frequency of drone while keeping other frequencies operational.
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Airbus anti drone system |
Advance systems will insert malicious code into drone's system which will allow us to gain control over it or we can change its landing coordinates. In some system, it will first send strobes of light on drone's camera to warn drone owner. If he does not take it down or does not change path, a laser is fired on drone which destroys it. These system ranges from light handheld jamming gun with hundred feet of range to big machines with miles of operating radius.
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Battelle Drone Defender |
Using trained Eagle or Falcon:
Yes. You read it write. One can simply train eagle of falcon to take down drones. There are chances of hurting them but according to experts, their feet are strong so blades will not harm them.
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Falcon captured drone in UAE |
There were couple of incidents in UAE where falcon had taken down drone. Currently, Dutch police are training eagles to catch drones.
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Drone catching Eagle |
Well, these are roughly categorized technology to capture "rouge" drone. There are other illegal ways to take it down such as shooting it with gun, aiming it with football(which French player did) or big object. Some countries are creating laws for flying drone. So next time you use drone, make sure you are not breaking any "law".
Sources various are internet searches and newspapers. Original content belongs to owner.
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