
Showing posts from April, 2016

Anti Drone Systems

Unmanned Arial Vehicle or Drones are, as name suggests, unmanned airplane. They can be operated using remote control from operator or they can be programmed to fly automatically, by on-board computers.  Development of UAVs or Drone was started in early 1900s. They were used as target practice. Later, drones were used by military for reconnaissance. Drones were used mainly for military purpose until few years back. Introduction of economical and  less complex drones opens new field of operation such as agriculture, photography, crowd management. Many commercial companies, such as Amazon, DHL, have started using them. In last few years, sales of Drones has increased exponentially. This is mainly because companies started producing cheap, easy to operate drones.  There are many benefits of drones but it also has some downsides. There are many accidents where flying drones has caused trouble. Drones are used to invade somebody's privacy, its blades can cause injuri...

About Tesla Motors

With the launch of Model 3 and General Motors vice president of global propulsion systems, Mr. Dan Nicholson, taking digs at them, I got more interested in Tesla Motors and decided to check about it.Here i s what I found in my one hour of internet search. Tesla Motor's Logo Tesla Motors is Palo Alto, California based elect ric car company wh ich was founded by Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in J uly 200 3 . I n 2004, Elon Mu sk invested heavily in Tesla Motors and joined board of directors as a chairman. Model followed by company is to first built state of art sports car and then moving to main stream car market. In 2008, Tes la launched its first c ar Tesla Roadster followed by Tesla Model S in 2012 then Model X in 2015 and latest Model 3 will be launched in 2017.   1. Tesla Roadst er:     During 2004 and 2007 , Tesla built some test models. In 2006, Roadster was introduced to the public. It s powertrain was built around AC inducti...