Modular cellphones

On September 10, 2013 D ave H akkens released video title d "Phonebloks" and it took wo rld by storm. The video ha s introduce us to new concept of modu lar c ellphones. The v ideo went viral and got couple hundred thousand views in a week. As of September 2016 it has nearly 22 million views. According to Wikipedia , a modular smartphone is a smartphone made using different components that can be independently upgraded or replaced in a modular desig n . T his will help to reduce e-waste and also increa se user comfort. It will give user a ability t o custom built his phone as per his requirement . Most o f us m ight have assembled their own PC at some point o f their life. Modular smartphone will provide such flexibility to user. Phon e bloks consist of a base and blocks(modules). User can attach different modules to the base as per the requirement . This allows user to customize his phone in many way in very less time. Phonebloks concept If...